Take 5 with LostChild 

Take 5 with LostChild 

Joe Copplestone hails from the London synth-pop scene, where he goes by the name Lost Child. He is currently charting on Nexus Radio with a groovy Paul Morrell remix of Lifeline. His new EP (mini-album) is titled Being Loved When You Know You’re Not Good Enough. He once was lost but now he’s found right here on Nexus. Lost Child tell us your deepest, darkest secrets.

First, tell us about your latest project.

My new EP is called “Being Loved When You Know You’re Not Good Enough”, and hopefully I’m gonna be doing music videos for each of the songs on it.

1: What is your favorite cocktail?

I don’t drink anymore but I wouldn’t turn away a virgin cosmo.

2: Who is your celebrity Musician/DJ crush?

Matty from the 1975. Beautiful man.

3: Who would you kiss, marry or vote off the Island?  your options are: Madonna, Willam (from RuPaul’s Drag Race) or Jake Shears from Scissor Sisters.

Kiss Madonna, marry Jake and vote off Willam. Sorry ‘bout it.

4: If you had a time machine, which decade would you go back to? (and why).

I’d go back to the 80’s because I really like the fashion and the music from that era. Did you really think I’d pick anything else?

5: Boxers, Briefs or Commando?

Boxers when leaving the house, commando for not leaving the house. I’m gonna tell you a story about Briefs -no (don’t do it).

Check out Lost Child’s tune Lifeline!


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