Tomorrowland, globally renowned for its groundbreaking, fantasy-themed music festivals, is extending its magical touch to the literary world with a thrilling trilogy of fiction-adventure novels. The series, titled ‘THE BOOK OF WISDOM,’ brings the festival’s unique magic to life, emphasizing core values of unity, hope, love, and nature. Over the past five years, Tomorrowland has meticulously crafted this series, promising to captivate both dedicated festival fans and a new audience of readers worldwide.
From Festival Grounds to Bookstores
Tomorrowland’s venture into literature marks a significant expansion of its storytelling legacy. Leveraging its rich lore and imaginative world-building, the festival now invites readers to immerse themselves in the Tomorrowland universe through ‘THE GREAT LIBRARY OF TOMORROW,’ the first novel in the trilogy. This novel is part of a global collaboration with renowned publishers, making the enchanting world of Tomorrowland accessible to readers around the globe.