10 Questions with Digitalz


10 Questions with Digitalz



We had a chat with Digitalz on latest projects, favorite TV franchises, and the essentials to a good track.

Digitalz is a France-based DJ duo comprised of Thibault Hisquin and Adrien Baudin. Though the pair have only been working together under Digitalz for four years, they’ve already released a number of smashes––including 2017 debut single “Don’t Need You.”

Their remix of “Bohemian Rhapsody” caught the ears of world-renowned DJs such as Axwell and David Guetta and was played on numerous festival stages.

Most recently, they have been working on a debut album to follow up their EP Imaginary Love. The album is set to release next month and will most likely showcase their multi-genre influences: a blend of rock, hip-hop, and pop in a work of electronic dance music. They have already released a handful of lead singles as a teaser of what’s to come, including “Ritual,” “Invisible,” and “Beg for It.”

To learn more about Digitalz, including which one artist they’d bring back to life if they could, check out our interview with them below: 

Q: Before we dig in, what's next for you? (current or future projects)

First, thanks for having us 🙂 Well, we’re releasing our debut album next month so that is our main concern right now. Really looking forward to hearing people’s feedback!

Q: What is the one thing every track must have for it to be solid?

Personality! It can come from a lot of different ways like the atmosphere you put in it, a cool melody, a very cool groove etc… But we’re not very interested in songs that sound like something we heard a thousand times.

Q: Let's create a new festival; What would you name it, Where would it be located, and Who would be the top 3 headliners?

Okay cool game !! Let’s make it work.. Skrillex, Kanye West & Radiohead and we can call it the Bipolar Festival. 

So maybe we can put it in Antarctica cause there’s already a lot of bi-polar bears.. haha (I do not support this joke, Adrien)

Q: What is music going to sound like 20 years from now?

No idea! But that is why it is cool. If we had any idea about what it would sound like they’ll be no surprises. Nonetheless, the fact that almost everybody can make music in their room has really raised the bar in terms of production/creativity. So we’re really looking forward to seeing what’s gonna happen.

Q: Why do we listen to music?

Most of the time it is to accentuate your emotions, sometimes even to create one. We’re putting music when we have sex to feel it even more, sometimes listening to sad songs when we want to feel even sadder and go on with our life. Pressing play on electronic music to feel high on emotions due to that blast of energy.

Q: If you could bring one artist back to life, who would it be? (Why that artist?)


Q: What's your favorite smell?

We both really love perfumes made of oudh!

Q: What can you talk about for hours?

Of course, we can’t stop speaking about music, every choice that a musician makes is a subject for debate. Football (soccer) is also an endless pit…

Q: Which historical figure would you like to be?

Thibault: Jesus, I mean.. turning water into wine!

Adrien: Mohamed Ali because he never changed his opinions no matter what.

Q: (Pick One) Game of Thrones, South Park, Walking Dead, or Stranger Things?

We’re gonna have to go with South Park on this one even if they’re all great! RIP Glenn.. 

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