10 Questions with Pascal


10 Questions with Pascal



We sat down with Pascal for a chat on latest projects, creating imaginary festivals, and favorite TV series. 

Pascal has recently begun exploring EDM as a DJ, but he has been in the music industry for decades now. He was a member of Luxembourg-based pop-rock band Dedo. They released their first album in 1993, and their influence spread far and wide over the 90s. Pascal played bass, guitar, and drums for the band. 

From 2010-2012, Pascal played guitar, bass, drums, as well as background vocals and keyboard, for BSF. He played alongside bandmates Louis Wright, as lead vocals, and Alain Funk, on keyboard and piano. 

A fun fact about Pascal that he revealed during our interview is that he is synesthete, which means his five senses might mingle with each other. He shared that he can smell colors!  

His latest release is single “Skin Deep,” released earlier this year. The song features vocals by singer Sonna Rele. 

To Learn more about Pascal, including which artist he would bring back to life if he could, check out our interview with the DJ below: 

Q: Before we dig in, what's next for you? (current or future projects)

The most important project is my family and my kids. Besides that, I’ll release more songs with Sonna in the next 2 years, and I hope that we will get some real attention one day. 

Q: What is the one thing every track must have for it to be solid?

 The sun has to go up when the chorus starts.

Q: Let's create a new festival; What would you name it, Where would it be located, and Who would be the top 3 headliners?

Somewhere out of this world… there would be no headliners. 

Q: What is music going to sound like 20 years from now?

I don’t know, but I believe and I hope that music will keep people connected by spreading love and peace.

Q: Why do we listen to music?

To relieve pain, or to amplify existing feelings. There are a lot of reasons why we listen to music. It is an emotional thing.

Q: If you could bring one artist back to life, who would it be? (Why that artist?)

Prince. He was a phenomenon. He’s been the greatest loss for the music industry.

Q: What's your favorite smell?

Green (I’m a synesthete) but I cannot explain this smell to my wife. Smelling green is mind-blowing.

Q: What can you talk about for hours?

Oldtimers (I like old cars).

Q: Which historical figure would you like to be

 A good one! There were many.

Q: (Pick One) Game of Thrones, South Park, Walking Dead, or Stranger Things?

South Park, because of that guy Kenny who is immortal.


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