Over the years, France has become known for producing some of the most legendary musicians to grace the dance music arena. As a result, there’s been a wide range of sounds for fans to explore and groove out to, from Daft Punk and Justice to David Guetta and DJ Snake, then AxMod, carving out his spot. Since his debut years ago, he’s put out some unforgettable releases, and now he’s unleashed “Where You Are,” a collaboration with Mark Asari, for everyone to feast on!
AxMod grew up in an apartment near the “Rock En Seine” festival in Paris, where he and his friends would try to sneak in every year. He began classical piano training at the age of six and quickly learned to hone his style in the studio, then soon signed with Universal Music.
As a youngster, he got his inspiration to create electronic music from iconic French artists such as Cassius, Breakbot, Daft Punk, Martin Solveig, Alan Braxe, and Modjo. In the early days of Tropical House, AxMod was one of the first artists to release with Kygo and Bakermat.
The short bio of French DJ/producer AxMod reads, “I make music that makes you swoon.” However, swooning isn’t the only thing his music makes us do. AxMod, real name Foucault Jannin, delivers music that makes us want to run to the nearest dance floor and work up a sweat.
As part of our Take5 series, we asked AxMod 10 questions about who he is and how he works, so if you’re curious to know more about this astounding DJ and producer, read the full interview below.
Q: Before we dig in, what's next for you?
I’ve just launched my new single, “Where you are,” featuring my good friend Mark Asari on my Sidekick Music Label. Both of us have been working on it for over a year, finding the best synth, creating punchy melodies, and hitting lyrics. Next month will be rich in releases in collaboration with great artists such as Lauren L’aimant, Stone Van Broken, and others… Currently, I’m super excited because I’m working on something different, maybe gathered in a special EP!
Q: Why did you choose to make dance music?
I came from a classical formation, my brother played in a rock band, and my parents listened to Jazz and Rock music. So I grew up with a lot of influences. Dance music came naturally when I was a teenager, inspired by iconic French artists from Cassius, Breakboat, and DaftPunk to Martin Solveig, Alan Brake, and Modjo. In addition to producing music, I’m also a DJ, and my best feeling is to perform my music on stage.
Lyrics give real meaning to the melody; it’s the soul of the music. For example, “Where you are” came about the first lockdown, where many of us found ourselves isolated from loved ones. The lyrics bring an uplifting reassurance that at the end of it, all we will be reunited. Beautiful and powerful words! Thanks, Mark!
Q: What do you think of Robots making music?
Music is about emotion; robots don’t have it… But as a producer, you spend your day trying different kinds of stuff with instruments or plugins, sometimes with an algorithm program. Softwares are more and more intelligent, and the result could be interesting. However, I prefer the old-school method of creating my song from my piano, with good chords!
Q: What's something everyone should experience at least once in their life?
Hitting a good golf shot, ahaha! But, I’m kidding, maybe leaving your current life to explore the world for one year.

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Q: Do you ever sing while taking a shower or having a bath? Why is this popular? Do you sing in tune?
Every time for sure! I’m imitating my favorite singer or finding good melodies for my following songs. It’s popular because you’re alone in your world, you feel free and comfy. I sing in tune, but my voice is not interesting, ahaha, that’s why I’d instead collaborate with singers!
Q: What was the weirdest habit you had as a child?
I made strange noises when I was sleeping as a child! And It hasn’t stopped yet!
Q: If you could go back in time and inspire someone to make a present-day invention, what invention would advance humanity the most?
The toaster to be in a good mood in the morning! But, more seriously, something to help people like a vaccine or save our planet is recycling plastic.
Q: Can You Dream Of Having A Dream?
Wow, It’s Inception here ahaha!
Q: What double standard is ridiculous and needs to be ended?
Gender inequalities, for sure. Boys and girls are judged differently for the same action; too bad. Let’s change our prejudices and our mentality!