A chat with the Chart-Topping Champions of Showtek: Take5


A chat with the Chart-Topping Champions of Showtek: Take5



This week, Nexus radio got the chance to sit down and talk with current icons of the industry, Showtek.
In 2001, Sjoerd and Wouter Janssen–a pair of brothers from Eindhoven in the Netherlands–began releasing music under the band name Showtek. Although they started with techno, they began to produce hardstyle music in 2003 working under the stage-names Walt (Wouter) and Duro (Sjoerd).
Since then, their style has developed into their distinctive sound. In 2014, DJ Magazine ranked them at number 17 in their Top 100 DJs list. Throughout their career, they’ve collaborated with several high-profile artists such as David Guetta, Bassjackers, Christ Brown, Noisecontrollers, and the legendary Tiësto–to name a few–to create a whole host of chart-topping hits. At this point, it’s easier to ask if there’s anyone they haven’t worked with!
In that time, they’ve brought us classics like Bad, Booyah, and We Like to Party and, with both artists still going strong, there’s no telling for sure what’s in their future.
What we can say for sure, however, is that, after spending two decades on the scene and releasing seven albums, their music feels fresh as ever. Now they say they’re working away on album number eight, and suffice it to say that fans couldn’t be more excited.
As part of our Take5 series, we asked the duo 10 questions about who they are and how they work, so if you’re eager to learn more about this awesome double-act, then go ahead and read the full interview below.

Q: Before we dig in, what's next for you?

Wouter: We’re back with a new set of releases we have been working on during the big P. :-(. We have used the time and space to sit back and go over new ideas, our general direction, and what to do next. How do you generate that when you have so much inspiration and so many types of music, you feel connected to as producers? So we concluded to work on another album. Hopefully ready by the end of the year.

Sjoerd: We have a few shows coming in the upcoming months, which is nice too, so we can try out some of the tracks we have been making. Shows are a great way of testing music for us, something we missed a lot!

Q: Why did you choose to make dance music?

Wouter: It was a conscious decision to make music since we have a passion for it, and each has been inspired by ’90s house and dance music. I (Wouter) also love hip-hop and different genres, and Sjoerd has his preferences as well. The passion for genres outside of dance will be shining through our upcoming releases since we love to keep fusing and expanding our sound.

Sjoerd: When we were kids, they played house music on the radio in The Netherlands and all over Europe, so it’s kind of in our DNA to listen to dance music. I also used to go to raves and festivals myself, so we knew exactly what kind of experience we were looking for as producers.

Q: How important are lyrics?

Wouter: Good songs have a layer for each listener. Some like the lyrics, some are more caught by the melody, and some by the percussion sounds. Some songs are famous for their lyrics, some for their riffs. It depends on the general message and emotion you’re trying to convey. There has been a significant shift in dance music from mostly instrumentals to now ‘radio’ and ‘streaming’ friendly dance songs that many artists (including us) have added to their catalog. Lyrics are a great way to add more depth to a piece. Even our biggest dance anthem, such as ‘FTS,’ is famous because of the lyrics we wrote for it. The music is still crucial, but the lyrics make the song different.

Sjoerd: Not much to add to his, but let’s say that a fat bass is as important as the lyrics 🙂

Q: What do you think of Robots making music?

Wouter: If they can do it better, they should do it; that’s what evolution is. The term robot is comprehensive, though; we have been using software and digital tools (synths, processors, etc.) for a long time. The science behind synthesis (creation of synth sounds) and how synthesizers internally can communicate is already done with the help of mechanical engineering. We rely on technology to grow and to create new things. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, where we let it choose, decide, and develop, is just the beginning of a new era.

Sjoerd: It’s the future. In 10 years, we all order Ubers without drivers, so who knows. The only thing that I find hard to believe is that a computer can bring emotion and feelings into a song. But maybe I am wrong!

Q: What's something everyone should experience at least once in their life?

Wouter: The beauty of nothing.

Sjoerd: Croissants at Béchu in Paris!!


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Q: Do you ever sing while taking a shower or having a bath? Why is this popular? Do you sing in tune?

Wouter: Yeah, I sing, not just in the shower. People like singing in the shower because the reverb adds acoustics and warmth to their voice, so they feel more confident, amplifying the mind and the brain. When you think you are alone, the ‘shame’ is also washed off.

Sjoerd: I don’t sing in tune, and I also don’t sing out loud! I have a great MC voice, but that’s it.

Q: What was the weirdest habit you had as a child?

Wouter: Rolling on my head and bumping into a concrete wall every night in my sleep – early signs of sleep apnea, but it was so loud that I woke up the family every once in a while.

Sjoerd: Besides being woken up by Wouter acting like a monkey, I used to, and yes, still do, eat black licorice when I shower!! Just a thing… our sister does it too! LoL 🙂

Q: What invention would advance humanity the most if you could go back in time and inspire someone to make a present-day invention?

Wouter: I would invest and educate more about green solutions. Emission-free thinking, we’re catching up way too much now. The climate crisis is profound, and I feel bad for its stress for the next generation.

Sjoerd: I’m not worried, Elon’s got us covered 🙁 hahaha

Q: Can You Dream Of Having A Dream?

Wouter: Yes, for sure, dreams are essential. They create hope, which is one of the most important sources of positive energy. So doing that while on a comfy mattress is double the pleasure.

Sjoerd: Sounds like inception! I guess you can, yes!

Q: What double standard is ridiculous and needs to be ended?

Wouter: So many. But to name one – if men are strong-minded and assertive, they are respected, but if women act that way, they are considered a B. So there’s still a lot of inequality between men and women.

Sjoerd: Equal pay 100%

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