Adam Lambert Working On New Music


Adam Lambert Working On New Music


Remember the winner of American idol who won your heart way back when? Adam Lambert not only had a pretty face but his voice could rock, roll and even throw some pop in the mix. Adam showed his fans some fun and produced a perfect album that showcased his perfect voice  was. However his fans were the ones disappointed when he slipped off the radar, the key thing going through every fans mind was “I hope he wasn’t just another one hit wonder.” After hearing some exciting news fans can rejoice again because Adam lambert is now in the studio working on another album with Max Martin!!! Tove lo who is part of Adam Lamberts album said “He came to Sweden, he’s been working with all the producers, the little collective out there, and having a really good time.” Doesn’t that make you extremely happy?! He’s having fun and we’re getting a new album out of him it’s a win win! Tove lo also mentioned that his voice sounds insane (in a good way) which we already knew his voice is always on point! Stay tuned for Adam lambert news I know for a fan of his I’m really excited about his upcoming album! 


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