Amsterdam Dance Event Returns This Year After COVID


Amsterdam Dance Event Returns This Year After COVID

Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) is an annual musical event held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. While its 24th anniversary, 2020, was virtually postponed due to COVID-19 spreading around the globe, the 25th anniversary and, by far, larger celebration will be staged live this year. It will take place during the week of Oct 13-17 at Felix Meritis building, a famous building in Amsterdam.

Amsterdam Dance Event

Since COVID-19 is still around and may still be present during the time of the dance event this year, the Amsterdam Dance Event is offering an online option for the fans that would like to use that option. This way, everyone who wants to attend the Amsterdam Dance Event will be able to, and no music fan will have to miss out on this much-anticipated dance event.

There will be a huge number of big-name acts, artists, and producers at the Amsterdam Dance Event, so there will be a wonderful array of some of the best dance music the world has to present. It makes perfect sense that the year the festival returns live and on its 25th anniversary, it will have some of the best music it has ever had presented before for the dance event.
The main names that will be seen at the Amsterdam Dance Event this year are Audio Obscura, DGTL, Awakenings, and Dockyard, to name a few of the main artists that will be performing at this event. There will be plenty more big names, so be sure to check them out when the event gets underway in October.
The festival has a long and colorful history, bringing joy to music lovers all over the world for the past 25 years. It’s had its ups and downs, just like any other musical event, but in the end, music lovers can still enjoy the musical talent that this year’s music event is showcasing. There are several reasons why the music event will be live again this year.
The main reason is an increase in the Netherlands ’ testing capabilities and capacities. Increased ability to test those that would like to attend the music festival means they can ensure that COVID will not spread because of this music event. The other main reason why the Amsterdam Dance Event will be happening live this year is that Netherland has been releasing large amounts of vaccinations as well. With more people getting vaccinated, they can ensure that everything will be ready to go once this festival gets underway.

The organizers of the Amsterdam Dance Event believe it will help boost mental health and overall mood among people during these trying times. Everyone knows that people need a good distraction these days as COVID runs rampant across the globe. Let’s hope that the 25th anniversary of the event can do just that.

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