
Be Fearless And Pursue Your Dreams: How Cosmicat Is Leading A New Wave Of Saudi Arabian EDM Artists

Among this Miami Music Week 2023’s standout artists, Cosmicat was one to watch. With her fresh sound and exciting approach, it’s clear that she’s already catching eyes and ears across the industry and here at Nexus Radio, we were only too happy to take this chance to speak with her. In our interview, we talked about everything from the importance of getting women into music to the experience of being a Saudi artist and her first Ultra Music Week.

Believe it or not, while Cosmicat has always been an EDM fan, her music career only began in 2018 when she finally decided to follow her passion. Until then, she had spent her life working to become a dentist in her home country of Saudi Arabia.


“Around the nineties, I grew up in a very different Saudi Arabia from what we know now. Things had been really religious and strict, and the community, in general, was different from what we see now.”

As a result, she decided that dentistry would be a promising, classical career, but it didn’t take long for her excitement and love of music to take over.

“I graduated as a dentist and, probably around late 2017 and 2018, I was like, okay, I’m gonna take this hobby - this passion - that I have for music and I’m gonna take it to the next level! I did that and I felt like this is fate. It was made for me, just doing music.”

If there was one thing Cosmicat stressed, it was her excitement about seeing more women in the industry. While the number of female artists is growing, Cosmicat still represents one of the few Saudi artists to have achieved widespread success on the international EDM circuit.

“I would really, really love to see more women in my country performing. There’s already more female names coming up to the electronic music scene and other artistic scenes, which I’m really proud of. I want to motivate women around me to just be fearless and pursue their passion in any way and by any means they can.”

And, of course, for fans of Cosmicat then there’s exciting news as her latest EP – with the breathtaking title Ascension – just dropped in February, and believe us when we say it’s well worth the listen. Cosmicat is bringing new sounds to the EDM scene, and, here at Nexus, we couldn’t be more excited to see what she’ll do next.

To learn more about Cosmicat, her work, and the craziest music video she’s ever seen, then make sure to check out the full, exclusive Nexus Radio interview!

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