Bingo Player’s Paul Baumer Passes

Bingo Player’s Paul Baumer Passes


The dance community last one of its own.  Paul Baumer, part of the duo Bingo Players passed away last night after a six month battle with cancer.

The other half of the duo Maarten announced the passing on the group’s social media accounts.

Dear All,
I’m deeply saddened to tell you that Paul passed away last night after his battle with cancer. He fought strongly until the end.

We want to thank you all for your support over the past few months.

Needless to say, all upcoming shows for the rest of this year have been cancelled as we’re going through this loss with family and friends. We’ll post a longer update shortly with more information as well.

Paul, we will miss you.
– Maarten

Our thoughts go out to Paul’s family, friends and fans.

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