Calvin Harris In Car Mishap Avoiding Paparazzi


Calvin Harris In Car Mishap Avoiding Paparazzi

Since the car crash in Los Angeles mid May this year, British DJ Calvin Harris has not been having a great time personally. He found himself in more car trouble yesterday (Monday), when leaving a gym in Beverly Hills. In an attempt to avoid the paparazzi, the DJ scrapped the passenger side door of his Range Rover on a nearby wall, all this caught on video.

The DJ and producer was hurrying to his Range Rover, clearly annoyed and ignoring the paparazzo’s questions, when he backed up with his SUV door open, right into a wall. In a video posted by TMZ, Harris apparently let into the paparazzo blaming him for the accident.

It has been a rough month for Harris, but the gentleman that he is, Harris later apologized to the paparazzi on Twitter saying, “I know you’re just doing your job and I apologise.”


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