Calvin Harris Lifts Infamous ‘Music Ban’

Calvin Harris Lifts Infamous ‘Music Ban’

Several sources have confirmed that Calvin Harris and Rita Ora have come to terms regarding Ora’s licensing to perform music created collaboratively between them. Following their messy split in 2014, the Scottish-born Harris had forbidden Ora from performing their work, including (perhaps ironically) the smash-hit

 “I Will Never Let You Down”. Recently, though, Ora has been reconnecting with their shared contacts in the music industry, which in turn culminated with the pair meeting and Harris lifting his infamous ‘music ban’.


Ora is preparing for the release of a second album, the promotion of which would be greatly improved by her ability to play her (arguably) most popular song. Additionally, there have been rumors that the pair created much more work while together than was publicly released. If Harris has lifted his ban, it might mean that Ora has a lot more to reveal than anyone had anticipated.

This all comes right after Harris himself hinted at his own future just a few days earlier. After co-authoring and releasing the impeccably smooth “Slide” with Frank Ocean and rap group Migos in late February, the Scottish-born DJ took to Snapchat earlier this week to drop cryptic hints about another impending chart-climber.

“Go listen to [Slide] because there will be another one soon and you don’t wanna be like **** I didn’t even listen to that last one yet”

This news would fall in line with Harris’ tweets earlier this year, where he stated that 2017 would play host to a total of ten new releases. This year has been big for Harris in several ways, as his record for most top-10 hits from a single album was eclipsed by musical supernova Ed Sheeran. If this new single follows the same path as “Slide”, then we should expect an official YouTube Vevo spoiler sometime in the coming weeks, but until then, fans have been left speculating as to which artist(s) Harris will collaborate with. Needless to say, the perennial electropop icon believes we’re all in for something big, whether brand new, or a blast from the 2014 past.

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