
Dark Intensity Takes Us Higher

Manny Martinez, better known as Dark Intensity took a few minutes to chat with us in the Nexus Lounge Amsterdam about his first ADE experience and his first original track, “Take Me Higher” featuring ilos. It’s been quite a successful year for Dark Intensity. He earned a prestigious “Remix Award” during Miami Music Week, and he also scored a #1 spot on Hollywood Hamilton’s nationally syndicated radio show, The Remix Top 30.

“Take Me Higher is an original track of mine featuring ilos. Her name is Jessica but she goes by ilos. And it’s been going really well…we’ve got some really good feedback on YouTube and Spotify. Right now, we’re working on remixes.”

When Manny isn’t working on remixes, you might find him “hanging out” in a desolate beach somewhere in sunny southern California, with a hot cup of black tea, soaking in the sun, possibly composing new song melodies in his head!

“The beach, yeah, just a nice cup of tea at the beach, a bright sunny day. Just looking at the waves. Just so pleasant. So peaceful. And it just really humbles you as a human just to see that.”

He may be a successful DJ and producer now, but things haven’t always been easy. Manny and his creative team have worked really hard to get to where they are today. However, if things hadn’t worked out for them in the music business, it’s very likely that Manny would still be working in the creative field; possibly running a photo studio or “messing around with photoshop” somewhere in California.

DJ Dark Intensity shows us that American DJs can also be humble and down-to-earth no matter how high they go- we can’t wait to hear what Dark Intensity has in store for us next. 

Listen to our exclusive interview with Manny of Dark Intensity, click on the player below!

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