Diplo’s Label signs Indie Genius


Diplo’s Label signs Indie Genius

avatars-000184784219-fctrf7-t500x500Diplo’s label, Mad Decent, has just signed on a self-taught, indie DJ to his label, after hearing his cover of the Jack U track, “To U”.

After only discovering his love of EDM at 17, which was only around the corner to Manfred Lim’s, aka Myrne’s 20, his quick grasp of the genre is astonishing. He’s done things with music those who’ve been making it since diapers cannot grasp. A classically trained pianist, his work has a harmony and complexity that the genre seems to be drying out of. Manfred goes by Myrne on the internet, where he was first discovered by Diplo. His musical presence is a cool and refreshing addition to the sweaty bumping of most Mad Decent artists, a waterfall in the jungle.

Below is the track that caught the label’s eye. While you’re on here, take the time to peruse the rest of his Soundcloud. Listen to “Artisan” and the rest of Softsins; the EP he submitted two months after Diplo’s camp asked him if he had any more work to show.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/196643317″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=’450′ iframe=”true” /]

Diplo, born Thomas Wesley Pentz, had the final say on whether or not Lim would be signed. He listened to his EP and was reportedly pleased with what he heard. The Straits Times writes,

“Diplo was stoked about the music and was really excited that Lim was from Singapore.”

Not only is the thought of a talent like this collaborating with Diplo and everything that comes with his association pretty awesome, but I’m excited to see what this could do with Diplo himself. Diplo already has a similar severity which he uses now and then. It can be seen in some of his heavier singles like his and Sia’s “Elastic Heart” or his emotional ballad with Wynter Gordon, “Keep Cool”. This kid brings his own style to the table, something new. Maybe signing this unique talent will cause some inspiration in the label and in the already experienced producer.

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