DJ Mausio’s latest single comes with a powerful message


DJ Mausio’s latest single comes with a powerful message



Mausio is a German DJ and producer best known for single “Krustenfl!cker,” from his 2017 self-titled EP. The song boasts tens of millions of streams across listening platforms.

Most recently, Mausio released single “Spread Love,” earlier this year with Warner Music. The song features vocals from German singer Bibiane Z. The upbeat song with 80s synth is meant to spread positivity to friends. In tandem with the single, Mausio also launched his #spreadlove campaign, a stance against online hate and cyberbullying. 

Talking about the track, Mausio said, “[All my music] is a reflection of my personality and emotional state at any given moment. I wanted ‘Spread Love’ to be a message of hope, positivity, and awareness.” 

To learn more about Mausio, including which one artist they’d bring back to life if they could, check out our interview with the artist below: 

Q: Before we dig in, tell us about your current projects – what is the message behind ‘Spread Love’?

I’ve always been a big fan of the sound of the 80s. This kind of music generally puts me in a good mood and I think it’s extremely cool that so many artists are reviving the style right now and giving it a modern twist. I picked up Bibiane from the train station for a songwriting session and on the way to the studio we listened to different 80s songs and were totally inspired to produce our own interpretation of them. That same evening, we had the first draft of the song ready. The following week I visited my mom and showed her several projects I
was working on at that time. One of them was one of the first versions of “Spread Love.” Her eyes started to light up and she started dancing around in the apartment. That made me incredibly touched and happy, and I immediately realized that I absolutely had to finish that song. The project then became very elaborate because I wanted to make the mix as clean and perfect as possible without losing my signature sound. After months of work and countless versions, I was finally super satisfied and sent the song for final mastering.

Q: What advice do you have for someone looking into getting into electronic music?

You really need to want it. You must chase your dreams and continually work on it. It will be a hard way and it will be a rocky path. Find your own sound and don´t listen to people who will tell you that you won´t make it. I think if you truly believe in yourself and if you never stop trying to learn new things and improve your skills, you will get to that final point, where you recognize that it begins to move.

Q: What is the last song you listened to?

Homesick by Skrillex and Zacari from the DJ Scheme Family Album.

Q: Where and when has your favourite performance been?

Ikarus Festival 2019. The performance was simply magical. The crowd was so into it, you could see, feel and almost taste the energy in the hangar. It was exuberant and just wild. I felt like I was playing in the middle of the crowd because there was so much feedback coming back and just everyone was totally feeling it. That’s what you do this job for, when you create a collective ecstasy together with thousands of people. When I think back on it, I automatically start smiling.

Q: What type of musician would you prefer to collaborate with?

I think I would choose a Rapper. I listen myself to most of the time to Hip Hop when I´m at home and I think it would be great to connect these different gernes to create something new and outstanding.


Q: If you could bring one artist back to life, who would it be?

Frank Sinatra, because that would make my manager insanely happy if he had the chance to see him live one day.

Q: Which fictional character is the most interesting to you?

Ray Donovan, he is a freaking badass.

Q: What's the most interesting thing you've read or seen this week?

Its lockdown here since months, so it’s really not much going on. I watched the series FOR LIFE and was completely into it.

Q: What's the first trip you are going to take once the world reopens?

I think I won’t go to one specific place. I will go back on tour and will travel all the time with my team and see all those different places. This is what I miss the most at the moment and I would die to travel 10 hours to play a 90 minutes show 😀

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