Iconic London Nightclub Fabric Announce New Book Project


Iconic London Nightclub Fabric Announce New Book Project

For residents of the London borough of Farringdon and many living further afield, Fabric is one of the most unforgettable nightclub experiences they’ll ever have. Known for its underground, urban aesthetic and incredible DJs, the club has garnered an outstanding international reputation, despite having its fair share of controversy.

fabric release book for 25 birthday

And now, for the first time ever, the full story of Fabric is being told in an upcoming 25th anniversary publication from White Rabbit Books. Presented through the words of music journalist Joe Muggs, the book will explore the club’s long history, how it got its current reputation, and what it’s like to visit Fabric in 2023.

But what can we expect to learn from this exciting project? And what is it that makes Fabric more than just a club?

On The Cutting Edge

When people think of music being made, they often picture a studio with grey walls and bright LEDS, and while this image is accurate enough, they rarely realize just how much of the music they love starts on the dance floor. In the EDM scene, dance floors are places where innovation happens, where artists get the chance to connect with their audiences truly, and the sound is as raw and honest as you’ll ever hear it. And for many people, Fabric is that club.

Perhaps it’s the unique atmosphere of this scintillating underground space or the mixed clientele of die-hard locals and international music lovers. Still, over the last 25 years, DJs such as DJ Hype, Kasra, and Skream have all found their way into Fabric and one time or another. And then, of course, there are the incredible resident DJs, Craig Richards and Terry Francis – who are easily enough to draw in a local crowd alone.

While there’s no one reason for Fabric’s popularity, it’s hard to deny that, over the years, the club’s owners have crafted a space where music can truly live and breathe.

A Troubled Past?

That’s not to say that Fabric has been without controversy throughout its lifetime. The club was almost shut down altogether a few years back in 2016 following two drug-related deaths. Indeed, when their license was revoked, many thought that would be the end for the club. Still, following a campaign from devoted fans, Fabric eventually reopened, albeit with some serious restrictions that last to this day.

Despite their troubles, it’s clear that Fabric offers the music world something special and will continue to do so for years to come. In 25 years, they’re grown to be an international tourist destination for all kinds of music lovers, and that’s certainly a history worth celebrating.

All in all, whether you’re a fan of the club or just an enthusiast for the history of electronic music, this book looks set to be an amazing resource for preserving the story and culture of one of London’s most iconic dance floors.

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