Lady Gaga Slams Melania Trump


Lady Gaga Slams Melania Trump

Lady Gaga is not putting on a poker face when it comes to her distaste for Donald Trump. On Sunday, November 6, the star took to Twitter to call out at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, for her hypocritical bullying stance.

The wife of the GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump made a rare campaign speech in Pennsylvania. At the speech’s end, Melania Trump told the crowd what will be her cause should she win the privilege to be First Lady: cyberbullying. She stated –
“Like anything that is powerful, [social media] can have a bad side,” Melania said on Thursday, November 3. “Children and teenagers can be fragile. They’re hurt when they’re made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence. This makes their life hard and can force them to hide and retreat. Our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially to children and teenagers. … We have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other.”

Lady Gaga, who has changed her Twitter display name to #VoteHillary, took all of Mrs. Trump’s promises about combating bullying and put them through the blender of truth, writing: “to say u will stand for ‘anti-bullying’ is hypocrisy. Your husband is 1 of the most notorious bullies we have ever witnessed.”

In a followup tweet, Gaga shared a photo of herself holding an absentee ballot while posing in a “Hillary for President” sweater.

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