Meet Armada Music’s youngest signed artist


Meet Armada Music’s youngest signed artist


Federico Gardenghi

Frederico Gardenghi was only eight years old when he made his debut on stage at 2012 New Year’s Eve. Today, the young Italian DJ is seventeen years old and just took a big step in his career: Gardenghi signed exclusively onto dance label Armada Music. Armada is a household name in production and boasts many internationally renowned artists on its roster: Armin van Buuren, Lost Frequencies, and Loud Luxury, to name a few.

Gardenghi names Armin van Buuren, Carl Cox, and Jakatta as some of his largest influences. It seems that this up-and-coming star is headed down the same road to solidify himself as a dance music legend. In fact, he has even shared the stage and performed alongside his idol, Carl Cox. In July of 2014, Cox personally invited the then ten-year-old Gardenghi to perform with him at a show in Ibiza.

Earlier this month, Gardenghi released his sophomore single “Get It One” with Armada. Despite this being his second-ever record, he is no stranger to the spotlight: Gardenghi holds a weekly residence at M20, Italy’s biggest radio station, and has performed in over twenty countries.

If seventeen-year-old Gardenghi is an example to go by, the future of dance music looks bright.

To learn more about Federico, including which one artist he would bring back to life if he could, check out our interview with him below: 

Q: Before we dig in, what's next for you? (current or future projects)

Keep on producing and hopefully go back to playing for a real crowd again very soon. It has been ok to find new virtual communication methods during the lockdown, but the energy that a real crowd gives you is not comparable to anything else.

I am currently focusing on the production but as soon as the pandemic situation will allow it, I would love to go back on a real stage!

Q: What is the one thing every track must have for it to be solid?

Pumping kick and bass – this is something I appreciate in a track and this is what makes you dance.

Q: Let's create a new festival; What would you name it, where would it be located, and Who would be the top 3 headliners?

Mamma mia fest – I would go for a typical Italian name.
Sicily coast, on a marvelous beach, would be the most ideal location. I say Sicily because it’s an amazing breathtaking place and because it is the region that first allowed me to play when I was a small child still. Sicily trusted me and I will always trust Sicily.

I would love to have – Carl Cox – Michael Bibi – Patrick Topping …. Carl is a legend, a man with a thousand resources, and two names who share a great sound. And of course, I would love to host the event and to play b2b with them all


Q: What is music going to sound like 20 years from now?

Mamma mia fest – I would go for a typical Italian name.

Full of new sounds – I imagine that the creativity supported by the technology will give us impressive newness

Q: Why do we listen to music?

Because music is the answer – music is the soundtrack of every single moment of our lives – depending on how I feel I listen to different, totally different genres, from trance to classic, from Einaudi to drake, from Jamiroquai to CamelPhat, from dire straits to Italian trap songs.

Music accompanies me from the moment I wake up till the last minute I go to bed. Every type of music gives me a different mood and a different sensation but all of them are somehow inspiring. And maybe … they also inspire me for new ideas for my tracks

Q: If you could bring one artist back to life, who would it be? (Why that artist?)

Frankie Knuckles – I love his sound so much. When he passed away, I dedicated a full set to him. I would love to have him back and propose a collaboration. It would be a dream come true for me.

Q: What's your favorite smell?

Pizza – I can awaken from deep sleep once I feel the smell of pizza.

Q: What can you talk about for hours?

Mixing desks & compressors – I can go ahead for hours – but it is difficult to find somebody who wants to talk to me for hours about mixing desks and compressors. 😊

Q: Which historical figure would you like to be?

Mozart – he has been such an innovative man and a total genius I would love to talk to him!.

Q: (Pick One) Game of Thrones, South Park, Walking Dead, or Stranger Things?

NCIS – I am not actually a series guy, but if I have to choose one I would definitely go for NCIS – a never-ending series that never tires me and, if you ask me to sit in front of a tv, I will go for a mission impossible, a James Bond or a Jason Bourne title.

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