
Memorable Music With Plastik Funk – A Nexus Radio Interview

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As 2022’s Miami Music Week went off without a hitch, we at Nexus Radio were lucky enough to be joined by Plastik Funk at the Sonar Works Pop-up Studio at the Nexus Lounge, Miami.
Plastik Funk is an international EDM artist with an incredible back catalog and a promising future. Rafael Ximenez-Carrillo was born in Madrid, while Mikio Gruschinske grew up in Tokyo, and the pair didn’t meet until both were attending high school in Germany. Although they might’ve been born on opposite sides of the earth, the two artists came together to create something truly remarkable, releasing Do It Right, their first EP, in 2003. In the time since, they’ve built up their careers, producing music and working with a wide variety of other artists. Their biggest hit to date was ‘Who’–later remixed by Sneakbo as “Dr.Who!” about the famous British Science Fiction series–which has received international acclaim and airplay.
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Unfortunately, the partnership was not to last as, following some back issues in 2018, Gruschinske stepped down from touring, and the duo became an uno.
That being said, the last few years have seen serious success for Plastik Funk. In his own words:

"Sometimes it's hard to believe because I've been in the business for quite some time, but, especially in the last five or six years, everything went so fast and went so big. Sometimes I'm still like, 'yeah, I'm hanging out with my boys and going to parties, ' and sometimes it's hard to realize what really happened for me. "

However, through all the hard work, he never lost track of his role models, giving credit to artists like Don Diablo for inspiring him in his musical direction.
Right now, Plastik Funk is on tour, visiting locations like Bosnia, Norway, and, of course, Miami. Like many other artists, the pandemic has also afforded him an excellent opportunity to make some music in the studio. He says he’s excited to be releasing a track a month with labels he’s been looking forward to releasing on. Fans will no doubt also be delighted by this wealth of new music.
On the other hand, the pandemic wasn’t problem-free for Plastik Funk. He says he’s excited to be back to real-life concerts and interviews. On arriving in Miami, he says, he got straight down to one of his favorite rituals, meeting up with all his local friends and hitting up the best restaurants in town. Here’s one artist who’s not missing an opportunity to enjoy a return to normal interaction.
Towards the end of the interview, Plastik Funk took on a refreshingly sincere tone when asked what everyone should experience at some point in their lives: “Love, 100%. As cheesy as it sounds if you don’t experience that, life would be so sad.”
Finally, he rounded off the interview by thanking his fans and everyone who’s supported his music over the years. No doubt the fans wish they could thank him in return. For more details or to learn more about Plastik Funk, check out the full Nexus Radio Exclusive Interview below.

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