
Mike Hawkins Keeps it Real : ADE 2017

“Hectic” is how Mike Hawkins describes his state of mind during Amsterdam Dance Event, but he finds solace in DJing. “My mind is everywhere all the time but when I am spinning, I am fully focused on that and my mind is blank,” he says. 

One thing that’s probably often on his mind is his “little brother” and collaborator Tony Green.  Mike discovered Toby in 2013 when they were the only guys making EDM in Denmark.  They developed a close working relationship which led to brilliant tracks like We Got This, Storm, and Hot Steppa 

Another thing we learned about Mike Hawkins is that he likes to keep it real!  He leads a vegetarian lifestyle for ethical reasons, his love of the movie series Blade Runner is real, and even his obsession with the clothing brand Supreme clothing is real- and he’s not afraid to admit it.  Above all else, his down-to-earth personality is real.  “We are all small insecure teenagers dressed in all black, with black shoes thinking we’re cool, but we’re a bunch of nerds and at the end of the day we want acceptance.  That’s what all artists want.”

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