New Demi Lovato!

New Demi Lovato!

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There’s some new Demi on the block tonight. “Heart Attack” was supposed to release March 4th (last week) on Ryan Seacreast’s Radio show but it ended up leaking a little before that.

Hollywood quickly made the song available on iTunes, Spotify and other streaming services on Feb. 25; pushed out an official Vevo clip of the song the same day (it’s garnered 4.5 million clicks since then); asked Seacrest to link his 9.1 million Twitter followers to the track; and debuted a lyric video on March 1. Lovato prompted fans to unlock the video by tweeting song lyrics and the hashtag #UnlockHeartAttack, which became a worldwide trending topic on Twitter.

Crazy right? Take a look at the lyrical video here below, but first check this out! After scoring the biggest hit of her career in 2012 with “Give Your Heart a Break,” Demi Lovato started the campaign for her next album. “Heart Attack,” the lead single from her forthcoming, album which is still to remain nameless at this time, I might add.

It’s due out in late spring/early summer, and blew up to #12 debut on this week’s Hot 100 chart over at, and  with 215,000 downloads sold. I’d say this is going to be one of the most anticipated releases for the moment!

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