
Sir Styles Talks Mental Health Advocacy and Upcoming Projects

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Sir Styles joined us at our G-Shock Pop-Up Studio at the Nexus Lounge Amsterdam. The Cyprus-based DJ chatted with us about his recent projects and initiatives for musicians struggling with mental health, and he answered some questions for our Nexus Take 5 series.

A prominent figure in the world of main room and overground music, Sir Styles is as versatile as he is charismatic. His latest project, an official remix of Orjan Nilsen and Adara’s “Touching You”, is a testament to his abilities behind the production booth and his knack for putting a unique spin on an existing hit.

Sir Styles

It’s not the DJ’s first time at the Amsterdam Dance Event, and it’s clear that he enjoys the vibes and learning opportunities offered by one of electronic music’s biggest weekends.

“The industry has changed a lot, as everything has in the last couple of years,” he tells us, adding: New technologies and new music and new opportunities are always around, but in Amsterdam, you can get to see everything and get answers to question you didn’t know you had.”

When it comes to time—an important subject in the G-Shock lounge—Sir Styles tells us that, to him, time means focus, and quotes Ethan Hawke in Andrew Niccol’s Gattaca, who famously said “I never save anything for the swim back time.” Much like Ethan, Sir Styles looks ahead rather than back.

Apart from his production and DJing prowess, Sir Styles is also a huge advocate for mental health and suicide prevention in the music industry, specifically for DJs and other electronic music artists. “Everyone is going through something,” he tells us, “but artists need to know that if they need someone to talk to, there’s someone to talk to.”

Before he heads out, we ask Sir Styles to play a quick round of our Nexus Take-5 Series. The DJ surprises us with his answer of “Steve Angelo” for dream musicians’ hair, and even more so when he tells us the three guests he’d like to have over for dinner are deadmau5, Johnny Depp, and Carl Jung.

To learn more about this eclectic and inspiring artist, check out our full-length and exclusive interview with Sir Styles below.

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