Steve Aoki Doppleganger Tricks Many at Stereosonic


Steve Aoki Doppleganger Tricks Many at Stereosonic

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Jarrad Send is a photographer that works within the electronic dance music scene. What’s common amongst many people is that they mistake him often to be Steve Aoki.

So this year at Stereosonic Sydney in Australia, Jarrad embraced his alter ego as Steve Aoki and tricking many festival goers. Just like other social experiments, Jarrad attached a GoPro to a backpack of his friends in front of him and recorded everyone’s reaction on film.

Jarrad got the idea from the viral catcalling video,  stating : “So the other day when I saw that New York catcall video I wondered what would happen if I did the same thing… but as Steve. At stereosonic.”

Check out Stereosonic Sydney and Jarrad in the video below;


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