Take 5 with Amber Skyes


Take 5 with Amber Skyes

Amber Skyes is a fierce diva that seemingly came out of nowhere. This Philly-based vocalist is the whole package, equipped with earth-shattering vocal pipes and looks that are to die for, she was made for this. Her single “This Is War,”  was a sizzling collaboration between her, DJ Dark Intensity and Luca Debonaire. “This Is War” went on to become the official Pride anthem for Nexus Radio which she later performed live down Fifth Avenue on the Nexus float during New York City’s Pride Parade.

Amber Skyes is rumored to be working with some of the biggest names in electronic dance. The sky is the limit for this amount of talent. It’s time to get to know Amber Skyes:

Amber Tell us more about your single “This Is War” with Dark Intensity.

Manny (DJ Dark Intensity) had sent me this track and I remember listening to it numerous times and I would close my eyes and just see the world fall apart. People were segregated by color, race, religion, and sexual orientation. I saw the world being destroyed by an unnecessary war and everyone crying. It was a sad vision but it also had a sense of hope. That’s how I go about my writing process; I envision what the music means to me. During this period I felt as though so many protests were going on and everyone was scared about who was going to be president and I would wake up every day and see people rip each other apart, divide themselves and choosing sides and I thought enough was enough already. I thought to myself ‘we are losing,’ we are all losing and we haven’t realized how much yet.

I was told to never be upfront about my feelings on social media and I felt that I was constantly being silenced for the sake of the fans. This time, I felt that music was my only outlet. So I put all my feelings into this song. THIS IS WAR is not about promoting war rather it’s about promoting peace. With the statement “raise your white flags” telling everyone to surrender the hate they feel and just love. No matter what is in the way. Just love.

Myself as a writer I write the truth, I don’t sugar-coat, I’m very straight forward and my future music will demonstrate that. To add, I believe Dark Intensity has so much talent and it was not only a pleasure but an honor to work beside him on THIS IS WAR. He has become a very good friend of mine and that’s hard to find.

What other projects are you working on?

I’m working with the Game Chasers on a new track called “All Night Long.” These guys are my European buddies! We actually play Resident Evil (computer games) together and chat online a lot about it (laughs).

 When they sent me this track I instantly fell in love with how chill and ‘feel good’ it was. I sat on it for a while though; I was going through a rough breakup in addition to family issues, and it was the last song I recorded before I left my ex for good.

This song was written after a Face-Time conversation that took place the night before going on throughout the morning. I slept in the studio that night by myself and remember being woken up by my ex-boyfriend and producer with only leaving me with two hours of sleep. It was written and tracked in a record 30 minutes! I left that day with a sense of clarity, and I realized who I was as an individual and it was very empowering. I had finally found ‘my sound.’ All Night Long was featured on GAYDIO in the U.K. And it was supported the legendary producer Stonebridge on BPM before its initial release, and on my late mother’s birthday March 17th.

What’s your favorite cocktail and or coffee to deal with all this stress?

I love Woodford Reserve Bourbon NEAT, but I’ve been getting into lavender martinis lately, so yummy! Starbucks is great but I prefer Dunkin. Dunkin Doughnuts flavor of the month, black, iced. (laughs)

Let’s lighten things up a bit: who is your childhood celebrity crush?

(Laughs) Well, I always had a top three list:  Megan Fox, Mile Kunis and Michelle Rodriguez.  Lately, though my crushes have evolved into more of the Ruby Rose type (Orange Is the New Black). She has such flawless beauty and I also admire her relationship with her girlfriend, they are so strong together. In regards to guys: Ryan Reynolds, he’s hysterical. I also adore Martin Garrix and Sam Rockwell and Jim Carrey.

Who would you kiss, marry or vote off the island? Your options are Dark Intensity, Katy Perry, and Justin Timberlake?

Island votes eh??? Well, since I never obey the rules I’ll switch it up a bit. Riddle me this… I vote myself off the island and Dark Intensity and Justin Timberlake can fight over Katy Perry! Don’t worry, I’m totally rooting for Dark Intensity and I’ll be with Icona Pop on a helicopter somewhere (laughs)

If you had a time machine which decade would you go back to?

If I could go back in time I would be Velma Kelly from “Chicago” and have amazing stage presence with killer legs. The 1920’s, “he had it coming.” (laughs)

And finally, which do you prefer boxers, briefs or commando?

Always go commando until you can’t go commando anymore! Take chances be bold and let it all just breathe man (laughs)

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