Take 5: Roger Sanchez


Take 5: Roger Sanchez

World-renown DJ and superstar Roger Sanchez performed for the main event at Black & Blue Festival back on October the 8th, 2017 in Montreal, Canada.

The Black & Blue foundation is a high profile event whose charity proceeds go to benefit various G.L.B.T.  groups in the community.

Nexus Radio had a quick chat with the legendary producer, remixer and Grammy Award winning DJ.

Before we get started, tell us about what excites you the most about
Black & Blue Festival?

Roger: I’ve played Black & Blue in the past and I loved the production, the vibe and the crowd! – I really enjoyed playing there again!

Which drink do you prefer and how do you like it prepared?  Cocktails, Tea or Coffee?

Roger: I love coffee- double espresso with a shot of caramel.

Who was your childhood TV crush?

Roger: Sorry guys! I would REALLY be giving away my age away if I answered that! I’ll keep you guys guessing lol!

If you had a time machine which decade would you go back to?

Roger: I would love to go back to 70’s and live through the early disco days.

Favorite airport, and why?

Roger: Frankfurt airport! Because it has great shopping, it also had great business class lounges with beds where you can sleep in during long layovers. I love it.

Disney, Vegas or Paris?

Roger: Paris for sure! Paris is all about the architecture, the fashion, and romance.

Boxers, Briefs or Commando?

Roger: I prefer to wear boxer-briefs. They are comfortable yet sexy ; )

Thank you Roger Sanchez for joining in this installment of TAKE 5!

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