Allegra dropped in to have a chat with us. The eighteen-year-old musician is a British dance pop artist, and has been involved in the genre since she was only fourteen years old.

Allegra says her inspiration for the latest release had a little bit of a rebellious undertone. Many may be able to relate to her experience
“I found myself scrolling on social media and I was kind of getting bored and kind of caring about what other people were doing. And I just thought, you know what? I’m going to take time off and I’m going to do what I want.”
Her music videos demonstrate all the flare and creativity of her personality; they include eye-catching scenes of glitter bombs, roller skating stunts, and mesmerizing costume changes.
With “Do What I Want” only being her second single release, fans and music lovers alike can look forward to a promising and long road ahead for the young artist.
For more about Allegra, including what it was like having a glitter bath in her music video, listen to our audio interview with her below: