Take5: Supercharge With Rocket Pengwin


Take5: Supercharge With Rocket Pengwin


One of the latest producers to enter the scene is Rocket Pengwin, and this is one newcomer to watch out for. You might have already seen him while channel surfing: dressed in a penguin costume, the artist was featured on CBS, riding the subway lines in New York City while shooting for a music video. Viral videos of the penguin in a train with track “Unique” playing still circle the internet to this day. The mascot and the music debuted with Ultra earlier this year.

His freshman EP, “Planet Earth,” tells a surprisingly touching story accompanied with music videos of a penguin that migrates from Antarctica to New York. The artist’s website and social medias are all inscribed with the same phrase: “Unique, just like everyone else”––lyrics from his popular track.

His inspiration does not just come from an appreciation of the city; track “New York” and its music video features a fast-paced beat and loop that uses bass drops sparingly––this is meant to take listeners on a journey synthesizing “the falling out of orbit in a city that never stops spinning… This anxiety of being caught in an endless loop and not being able to get out.”

To learn more about Rocket Pengwin, check out our interview with him below:

Before we dig in, tell us about your latest project.

Planet Earth, which not only happens to be the name of the planet we live in, but also the title of my first EP! It’s a musical and visual journey that narrates the experience of a penguin moving from Antarctica to New York City. It’s very personal to me, being an immigrant. It’s a rollercoaster of all the emotions that go into the various stages of the experience, from loud and confused to intimate and personal. Hope you enjoy it!

What cocktail (or drink) recipe is getting you through the pandemic?

I’ve been doing these little Zoom dinner gatherings with friends where everyone had to make their own pasta dishes, and I got to play some of the new songs I’m working on. So to condense I’d say the cocktail would be: friends, pasta, music. And wine.

What is your first musical memory?

The Beatles were the first I actually remember. And playing air guitar to their records. Sometimes I would also play air drums, but I’m more of a guitarist. It’s been a Long and Winding Road ever since.

What’s the most useless talent you have?

I can swipe MTA cards…in ONE GO.

If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

Is there life on Mars?

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You must survive in the Amazon Rainforest for a year. Which 3 DJs or industry friends would you take with you and why?

Tom Delonge – he seems trustworthy and probably knows of a secret base camp where aliens live and hide from the rest of our civilization and we could be friends and ultimately survive for the better part of the year. Plus I get to hear “Where are youuuu” when he’s looking for us.

Travis Barker – I could use him as a human metronome to keep track of time and make sure we don’t end up staying more than the year required.

Mark Hoppus – and I reunited the OG blink 182! You’re welcome.

Which fictional character would be the most exciting to meet in real life?


Amsterdam, New York, or Tokyo?

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New York today, Tokyo tomorrow, Amsterdam on tour.

Do you sing in the shower?

ALL THE TIME. Most of the lyrics I write happen in the shower. It’s one of the most creative zones ever.

And finally, what’s on your Netflix watch list?

I love to rewatch things over and over to capture every detail so I must say: OUR PLANET. ON. REPEAT. Other than that: Black Mirror is one of the best series of our generation, which brings us to The Social Dilemma. Then the usual ones: Breaking Bad, High Score, Stranger Things. I still have to watch The Umbrella Academy hoping that Gerard Way won’t let me down.

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