Up and coming duo, RIP Youth is an American Australian DJ/Writer/production duo make up of Dylan Dowes and James Mass. The best friends took some time to answer our Take 5 questions.
Before we get started, tell us about your latest project.
Dylan Bowes: “You Love” is actually our first record ever! We were looking to collaborate with Bombs Away and we both really liked this song that we had written with Reigan. She killed the vocals and there was something positive and magical about the lyrics that really spoke to us.
Dylan Bowes
James Maas: We’d been plotting to put together RIP Youth for a year and waiting for the right time to get this together and actually had our first single picked that wasn’t this one but will now be our next..... in the month to come . Writing “You love” with Reigan and Dylan, like all the best songs we didn’t know what was going on that day until we sat down and synced up into a flow state of reading the story we were creating like observers ourselves. We had a few blips of first statements and words that would define what we wanted to say but it felt like a stream of consciousness moment we were all riding the wave of into a place we could all relate which is that life is a long game to play and ain’t over until it’s over, while you play there is no end game that most of us tend to get caught up in. But more of the process and state of mind shift as to your state of satisfaction and “happiness” as we all strive for and have a pre conceived notion of what that will look like / what we think will achieve that. Rarely are people satisfied when they get to that perceived happiness goal as we find that anything outside of ourselves won’t fulfill that magic wand we've made up that is our cure all and we’re done. It’s like If you look at Buddhist monk with a grain of rice and some sunlight, the happiness’s they are able to achieve would trump that of any billionaire I know or any of the things were taught to strive for that will fill the void so we carefully made sure we didn’t sound like we had all the answers because we don’t, it’s very much easier said than done but we somehow made it into a song that didn’t make us sound like preachers or to airy fairy which we certainly are not.
James Mass

What would your friends say about you? and Who knows you the best?
Hopefully they would say they can count on me. My wife knows me best. Then James of course.
Dylan Bowes
They’d say I’m a shut in, I don’t go out enough or answer my phone. This is a hard time for me to know who knows me best as I’ve just gone through a huge transition and everything and everyone I thought I knew has been turned on its head.
James Mass
Where do you find inspiration?
I read a lot of books. I just re-read Crime and Punishment and it is still haunting me. I also listen to tons of different styles of music. I try to go as far away from electronic or pop music to draw inspiration.
Dylan Bowes
By listening, being open, other people’s stories, having an attitude of never having to be right or understand or agree but taking it all in and silently observing into what I think is my best observation of a person’s story. And reading, philosophy and the human condition always gets me.
James Mass

What song/track would you like to remake?
Anything by Rosalia or Charli XCX. Or Electric Mantis. Or Sophie. Man there's a lot of cool stuff out there right now.
Dylan Bowes
We’ve just finished it. So I’ll let you listen when the times right 😉
James Mass
You must survive in the Amazon Rainforest for a year. Which 3 DJs or industry friends would you take with you and why?
Naderi, Pip Norman, and Boy Boy. Then they would have no excuse not to show me their tricks.
Dylan Bowes
I love Calvin Harris for obvious reasons, one he’s Uber talented in the way he creates we’d be able to make beaters out of palm trees and vines: and for the same reason Charlie Puth. Third JoJo because she could sing me into a trance and keep me grounded / mentally support me in our Amazonian isolation.
James Mass
Can you describe your life in a six-word sentence?
Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly.
Dylan Bowes
Trapped in a confident looking outgoing exterior
James Mass

In a post COVID world, Amsterdam, New York, or Tokyo?
My wife and I are going to Amsterdam in April to see The Streets perform. New York will always be the greatest city in the world though.
Dylan Bowes
Amsterdam because I’ve never been and I’m half Dutch and I wanna smoke weed in a weed café.
James Mass