Taylor Swift’s Taking a Break

Taylor Swift’s Taking a Break

“I think I should take some time off,” says Taylor Swift in her NME cover story.

And who could blame her? The absolutely enormous success of “1989” means that the star has had a totally packed tour schedule and it’ll probably feel nice to come home and not have to do anything.

And with all the news she’s generating, from internet feuds to relationship gossip, she thinks her fans could use a break from her as well: “I think people might need a break from me. I’m going to… I don’t know. Hang out with my friends. Write new music. Maybe not write new music. I don’t know.”

As for what happens next, Swift is really up for anything, though she can’t imagine that her next album could ever be as big as “1989.” Whatever happens, it seems the singer is looking to try a different direction: “Maybe the next album will be a bridge to somewhere else. Or maybe I’ll just go ahead and change everything.”

The full interview will be published on Friday on NME.com.

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