Tegan and Sara have just released their first single from their upcoming album, Love You To Death. The single, entitled “Boyfriend,” is filled with synth dance beats and saccharine vocals, and you can listen to it by clicking on this link. In relation to what the song is about, Sara says that it is, “about a relationship that I was getting into with a girl who had never dated a girl before. She had a guy that she was sort of seeing, and we used to joke around that she was treating me like her boyfriend, and I was trying to get her to sort of, you know, tie it down. I wanted her to make it official with me.” She describes it as a “straightforward pop song,” with a “gender twist,” just what we would expect from the gay babes.
The duo has also been getting ready for their upcoming album which will be released June 3. This album will be a follow up to their 2013 Heartthrob album which had much success. They have gotten quite popular and have faced some critique from their more indie and original fans for going on tour with so many straight very popular artists: “Our mainstream success created a vast valley between us and them. As much as it might have made it seem like we were selling out, what we were really doing was stepping up and we were pushing our way in to a world that did not have anything representing us.” Personally, I think that is amazing. There is so little lesbian representation in the pop music world– even just in media in general– that it is good to see some fantastic lesbians normalizing the LGBTQ+ community.
In addition to the new single, they have leaked a teaser of their upcoming single called U-Turn, as well as putting out their album art and the track list for their new album. They also have a ton of new tour dates to promote their upcoming album which we are so excited for.
Oh, and I forgot. They have also decided to experiment with some new hair-dos to compliment their new album since they have gone through “mullets, pompadours, bobs, shortsies, longsies, curlies, twirlies, New Jersey flurries.” Watch the Funny or Die video linked here and find out what kinds of wacky hairstyles they’ve been exploring.