Singer Agnes joined us for our Take10 series. She told us about the journey she plans to take listeners on with her new album Magic Still Exists, the importance of good lyrics, and women’s place in dance music. She also spoke about the biggest track on her new album: “Here Comes The Night.”
Agnes is a Swedish dance-pop singer and songwriter. She first rose to prominence in 2005 after winning the second series of Swedish Idol. Her success led to her being signed by Sony Music, who helped her release her first two albums Agnes and Stronger. After leaving Sony Music for Roxy Recordings, a much smaller label, her third album Dance Love Pop, had much greater success. It featured the track that raised Agnes to global acclaim: “Release Me.”
“Here Comes The Night” is an impressive dance track with the scale and energy of an Abba track. It has an enchanting quality that makes it fit perfectly into such a spiritual album. Tune into Nexus Radio to hear “Here Comes The Night” and the other spellbinding tracks from Magic Still Exists
Q: Before we dig in, what's next for you? (Current or future projects)
I just released a new single, “Here Comes The Night, “and on the 22nd of October, I will release my album “Magic Still Exists.”
Q: Why did you choose to make dance music?
I call what I do Spiritual Disco. I love the combination of soulful, spiritual lyrics with uplifting beats. This album is about my journey to find back to something and find freedom inside myself; I also wanted to take pieces of myself and my personality and play with it and multiply it. So how the music developed happened over time but felt very obvious when pieces started to fall into place and the music started to take form.
Q: How important are lyrics?
Very important. Many songs I’ve written and that I love didn’t fit in on the album because the direction of the lyrics didn’t connect with the rest, the big idea and vision I have of what the album is about.
Q: What do you think of Robots making music?
Fascinating and boring at the same time.
Q: What's something everyone should experience at least once in their life?
Travel alone and having to connect with strangers. It makes you grow as a human.

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Q: Do you ever sing while taking a shower or having a bath? Why is this popular? Do you sing in tune?
Haha, yes, I do it often. The acoustics is usually perfect in the shower; you have that ideal little reverb that makes it so wonderful to sing. I often have a problem while I take showers because I come up with song ideas and melodies, so I have to interrupt my shower, go out record it on my phone, be careful, so I don’t kill my phone with my wet hands, and then go back again, and that can continue over and over again:)
Q: What was the weirdest habit you had as a child?
I ate baker’s yeast occasionally, haha. It’s so weird and not a good tasting thing to put in your mouth, but somehow I liked it…
Q: If you could go back in time and inspire someone to make a present-day invention, what invention would advance humanity the most?
A way to find energy that doesn’t eat up our mother earth
Q: Can You Dream Of Having A Dream?
Yes, it has happened. I’ve also been able to control my dreams, what I want to happen next. But, like, now this dream is starting to get way too dull. Can something else happen, please?
Q: What double standard is ridiculous and needs to be ended?
Being a woman, I see and hear so many double standards all the time from social media, from the news, from my surroundings, and in my head. It’s tiring and frustrating. For such a long time, we humans have been able to choose between two boxes. Female or male, and with that box, so much more comes with it. Our souls and spirits don’t have a gender… Only our bodies … and I think as long as we humans don’t start to open up our ideas of what a human is and can be, we’re going to keep on having those double standards.