One of Denmark’s biggest popstars returns to the scene, and this time he goes by Tvilling


One of Denmark’s biggest popstars returns to the scene, and this time he goes by Tvilling



Jon Nørgaard rose to fame in 2002, after winning the Danish edition of Popstars, a discontinued international reality television franchise that discovered new singing talent. His record for the fastest selling Platinum debut artist in the country still stands today, cementing the singer into music history. Only seventeen at the time, the young star decided to step away from the overbearing spotlight and halted releasing his own music. 

His passion for music remained, though the artist retreated from the cameras and microphones to work behind the scenes. Since then, he founded what grew into the biggest independent music company and biggest privately owned label catalogue in Demark. Jon Nørgaard has credits on more than 150 gold and platinum hit releases in less than two decades.

18 years after his pop debut, the artist is returning to the music scene and has chosen to rebrand himself under the stage name ‘Tvilling.’ ‘Tvilling’ is Danish for twin or Gemini, Jon’s zodiac sign. When explaining his reasoning, he describes this new project as “a total rebirth. I want a new beginning, both as an artist and as a human being.” 

He released singles “Free” and “Dum Dum Dum” earlier this year with Warner Music. 

To learn more about Tvilling, the musical reincarnation of Jon Nørgaard, check out our interview with him below: 

Q: Before we dig in, please tell us about your current single ‘Free’!

These days, I really like sampling. On this single, I got permission to sample the chorurs, from the 2001 release “Come Along” by Swedish singer ‘Titiyo’. I am really happy about the result; I think we managed to match the old with the new, in a great way.

Q: What's next for you? (current or future projects)

Almost too much to mention, and I generally don’t like telling people what I do, before I do it. But, I can tell you this much, that there is a lot more music on the way.

Q: What advice do you have for someone looking into getting into electronic music?

Be honest with yourself, and with your audience. 1) Follow your gut, and accept that making mistakes are not setbacks, but part of your progress. 2) Don’t pretend to do work you don’t do on releases. Give people credit for their part taking in your project. It will come back to you tenfold.

Q: What is the last song you listened to?

Hedegaard “Ratchets”. He is one of my best friends, my go-to producer, and I love his style.

Q: What/when has your favorite performance been?

 Watching Toto perform in Denmark, with my father, 20 years ago. It’s not always about who performs (even though I really like Toto), but with whom you share the experience.

Q: If you could bring one artist back to life, who would it be? (Why that artist?)

 Avicii. No words needed, others than that was heartbreaking and way too soon.

Q: What will finally break the internet?

 I don’t really care, as long as it doesn’t break music.

Q: Which fictional character is the most interesting to you?

Easy. The Corleone Family. Growing up, I had huge difficulties in controlling my temper, and being a big mouth about my plans and ideas. I had to learn the hard way, that both hits you like a boomerang. Like it did with the character Santino, in the movies. My temper and big mouth, was like Santinos. Getting older, I have become more like Michael. When I die, I hope to be like Vito.

Q: What's the most interesting thing you've read or seen this week?

I read an article called “E-mail is making us miserable” in the New Yorker. Spending 60% of my time awake sending e-mails, it had some pretty interesting points.

Q: What's the first trip you're going to take once the world reopens?

I am going to Italy. No doubt. I love the vibe of the people, the architecture, the food and drinks. It’s a truly inspiring and beautiful country. It feels like home, everytime I go there.

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