The World’s Fastest Man And His Love for EDM

The World’s Fastest Man And His Love for EDM

A few nights back, Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt made history when he became the first person to win the 100-meter title three Olympics in a row. While news are ringing loud about his athletic ability, an important part of his legendary lineage is getting uncovered – the guy absolutely loves to DJ, and has so for many years.

Early evidence shows the running sensation starting on his mixing skills in Paris, back in 2010. Setting up shop at a Puma branded, Jamaica-themed event, dubbed “Paris City Hall,”, the DJ in Usain Bolt embarked on a reggae-focused set, going through classics like Bob Marley’s “Iron Lion Zion” and Lovers Rock legend Beres Hammond’s “Putting Up Resistance.”


Bolt followed his Paris set by taking part in a promotional video called Usain Bolt’s DJ Challenge for the 2010 Singapore Youth Olympic Games, where he can be seen tinkering with a pair of CDJs amidst a funky backdrop. “I love DJing. I Love Music. What’s Your Dream Playlist?”

After the 2012 London Summer Games, when he had already started peaking on his running career, Bolt turns again to a heavy-hitter in his DJ arsenal: “Iron Lion Zion”—this time in the form of a bass-heavy dub that had the crowd swaying in perfect unison.


Now in 2016, Bolt has solidified his position as not only the fastest man in the world, but possibly the fastest man to ever live. In tandem with his countless accolades on the track, the last six or so years has also introduced the world to not just Usain Bolt the untouchable running god, but also a regular guy who’s passionate about music and likes to DJ around his races.  Bolt doesn’t promote his DJing like many athletes or actors-turned-DJs, or even announce his sets, but instead lets them flow naturally.

Following what he’s said to be his final Olympic appearance this week, now is the time to ask ourselves: will he conclude his epic Rio run with a massive blowout DJ set somewhere in the city?

Stay tuned to this space.

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