Dada Life & Chicago Break World Record

Dada Life & Chicago Break World Record

1401455_10151937198682356_712369363_oOn Saturday, October 26th @ The Aragon Ballroom Dada Life & 5,000 (Chicago) screaming fans broke the world record for largest pillow fight!  As thousands of people entered the Aragon Ballroom most in full costume, the promotes of Freaky Deaky V handed out pillows.

The 5,000 attendee’s partied the night away with the help of Clockwork, Henry Fong, Caveat, Dotexe, Craze and Dada Life.  Dada Life who headlined the show premiered their new song “Born To Rage” to a very enthusiastic crowd.  The Night ended with the promotes and Dada Life being presented a plaque that said they officially hold the world record for largest pillow fight!  Guinness Book Of World Records had officials on site to monitor the pillow fight!

Congrats to everyone who attended Freaky Deaky V and Dada Life for their epic win!

We can’t wait to see what they have planned for us next year!

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