10Qs With “Real” Artist K3SS


10Qs With “Real” Artist K3SS


A remarkable innovator in his space, K3SS’s distinctive progressive house sound brings an enigmatic allure that sets him apart from the rest of the industry. Having released across a number of labels, including Dim Mak, Scorchin, and Perfecto, it’s clear that his original sound is seriously in demand.

His sound brings an ethereal quality to the stage, transporting listeners to other worlds and inspiring their imaginations. With a pulsing beat and unshakable melodies that will always keep people coming back for more, his music has all the soul of dance at its finest while bringing darker, shadowy elements to the table.

Originally from San Diego, California, he’s performed across the United States in countless esteemed venues, captivating audiences with dark and distinctive sounds. His live shows are not only brimming with personality and eclectic style, but they present a musical experience like no other, and fans can’t get enough.

With a huge audience of listeners worldwide, it’s clear that his popularity is only on the up and up while his music continues to push boundaries and capture new, intriguing sonic experiences. He’s making music you’ve never heard before, and if you haven’t checked him out yet, now is the time.

To learn more about K3SS, his inspirations, and his musical process, check out our exclusive Nexus Radio 10Qs interview below! You can also follow his social media on Facebook and instagram

Q: Before we dig in, what's next for you?

Currently, I have quite a large number of demos I am getting ready to send to labels to get my release schedule ready for next year.  I’m also working with my team and we are about to start a major brand expansion, and I’m in talks with certain artists about plans to join a couple of tours this Fall.

Q: Tell us about a memorable moment from one of your live performances?

This is memorable but in a different way…I was playing a show once at a club.  I was on an elevated platform looking over the crowd.  While in the middle of my set, I felt someone grab both of my ankles.  Let me tell you…that is a very weird feeling that you don’t realize is weird until it happens…but when will this ever happen to a normal person lol.  Anyhow, I turned around and looked down and it was this girl asking to request a song from Bad Bunny. I can’t make this stuff up haha.

Q: How does music impact your life?

It shapes everything I do, from both a professional artist standpoint and a consumer.  I’m constantly listening to music throughout every day.  I use it for inspiration on projects, I use it to relax, I use it to work out, I use it to get away, and everything in between.  Not just electronic music, but all genres.  It is the core of who I am.

Q: What's the most embarrassing song on your playlist?

oooooof lol.  A handful of Backstreet Boys songs.

Q: What's the most ridiculous music video you've ever seen?

“The Reason” by Hoobastank. Here you got this awesome power ballad about finding a reason to live because of this girl and the music video was about stealing some weird diamond…like what?!

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Q: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Orange or cherry sherbert… most things sherbert.

Q: If you could solve one global problem overnight, what would it be?

Airline flights leaving on time and LA & Washington DC traffic.

Q: If you had a time machine and could visit any historical period, where and when would you go?

Dinosaurs! The cretaceous period to be exact. The location would be wherever the popular dinosaurs are. Who wouldn’t want to see a T-Rex or Raptor…? Of course, would need to have some type of invincible powers so I wouldn’t get eaten. If I’m already time traveling I think I can add these invincibility powers to the mix and wouldn’t be a far stretch.

Q: What movies have inspired you?

There are two. The first is Shawshank Redemption. It has my favorite quote ever that states how I believe people should move through life. “Get busy living or get busy dying.” The second is Gladiator. It’s a movie about perseverance when everything is taken from you when you are at the very top. Any time I watch either of these movies I just want to win at everything I do.

Q: Describe your most bizarre life experience thus far?

I ate goat brain once in Jordan

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