

KerliKerli has announced some new music for the coming year, and is asking for the help of fans to fund her newest musical venture after remaining without an album for nearly three years.

Out of the game since 2013’s Utopia EP, the Estonia-born Popstar is finally back for another swing. She began a Pledge Music account which has contributed to the production of new music which slated for a 2016 release. A single has been promised as soon as January, and will be made available for pre-order. This will be her first release as an independent artist, so the self-appointed Moonchild needs some help. In an open letter posted to the page, she gives fans insight into her artistic process for the past 8 months:

“Dear Moon Children,
As many of you know, I have spent the last 8 months making art in the magical woods of my native Estonia. It has been world changing for me – I have faced my greatest fears as a human being and as an artist, releasing everything that doesn’t ring true on the deepest levels of intuition and self expression.
I set up my studio in a tiny cottage with no running water and barely-there electricity and have been working away day and night to give birth to something I can feel proud to leave behind after my human form has transformed into stardust.”

She goes on to tell us that she hopes her vibrations transport us to someplace that, I at least hope, has electricity and running water.

If you feel so inclined to help Kerli from outside of her magical Estonian wood before she stardusts away, you can follow the link. Pledge Music is a community in which fans can help support the featured music project of their choice, by ordering exclusive content put on the page by the artists. Kerli’s page sells related merchandise, behind the scene features, and some music available for pre-order. I for one would not mind hearing new music from the musician. The last time I heard her was when she was featured on SNRBN’s track “Raindrops.”

It’s also worth noting that Pledge Music also has their users donate a portion of the money they earned to a Charity of their choice. Therefore whether or not the music sucks you can still feel like you did a good thing.

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