Cash Cash Spill Beans on Process Behind Newest Single


Cash Cash Spill Beans on Process Behind Newest Single

Cash Cash, the American DJ trio known best for 2013’s “Take Me Home,” recently sat down to discuss their latest single, “Finest Hour,” which is their second of 2018 (after “Jewel”) and features Abir.

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The track came together very quickly, Cash Cash members told Paper Magazine. “We always start with the song basics. A good song needs to either have an amazing vocal or an amazing instrumental hook. This song ended up having both right off the bat which made us very excited about it.” Abir was also excited to work with the group, having loved the songs they’d made previously. And having the collaboration mesh so quickly was an added bonus!

Perhaps the reason it was so quick to produce was that the subject matter is super relatable – it’s about those times when you’re not yourself, when it’s not your finest hour. ” To us “Finest Hour” is about when you lose control at some point, when things aren’t working out as planned,” Cash Cash said. “Maybe it’s not getting that promotion, or getting fired, or losing someone. This song is about realizing that it’s just not your finest hour and not a true reflection of who you really are. Acknowledging that can help you heal back to the person you truly are and get you back on the path you belong on.” Abir added that it’s about owning that moment and realizing that it won’t last forever.

The single is a song for everyone, really, because who hasn’t had a moment in which they haven’t felt themselves? “I think it’s one of those songs everyone that’s lost control at some point in their life can relate to,” Cash Cash explained. “Anyone who put their all into something only to be let down will be able to connect with this song… the song will tug on those strings and hopefully remind you it’s just not your finest hour and not the end all.”

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