
EDM Prodigy Jimmy Clash Shares his ADE Experience

Jimmy Clash joined us at our K-Swiss pop-up lounge at ADE19 to discuss his ADE experience, his most recent work, and he reflected on his career so far. To find out what he said, read on. 

Jimmy De Jong is an immensely talented DJ and producer who has achieved so much at just eighteen years of age. He was born and raised near The Hague. House music has been De Jong’s passion since he was thirteen, and he quickly started producing after he discovered it. Under the name Jimmy Clash, he gained acclaim due to praise from DJ Jean on SLAMFM. Jimmy Clash has played at an array of outdoor festivals and is best known for his feature on Kura’s track ‘Young and Invincible.’

Jimmy Clash had a very busy ADE19. He told us about the huge amount of meetings he had, and the live sets he had been playing. The producer was even featured on the French Radio Channel. Even though he was busy, Jimmy Clash was clearly loving his time at ADE. He told us: “you know, it is one of the weirdest two weeks of the year. Everyone is scattered throughout Amsterdam and dancing in the streets. Like, everyone is sharing the same love and passion for music. It is really great.”

Jimmy Clash used ADE as a huge boost for his career. The day after he spoke with us he had a new track come out on Protocol Recordings. The producer was delighted by the opportunity, having already released on his other two dream labels Armada and Spinnin’. ‘Never Wanna Let You Go’ is a beautiful love song collaboration with Kill the Buzz. Jimmy Clash told us that as soon as he heard the vocals, he was in love, and the process of making the track was very easy.

We asked Jimmy Clash what the best piece of life advice was. He told us that his mother had always told him to be himself. He said it is better to stay as a sober and humble guy, than to sacrifice your principles for your career. 

The questions Jimmy Clash answered kept getting deeper when we asked him what inspires him outside of the dance music industry. The producer loves to listen to music from the 1970s and 1980s. He said that compared to music today, music from then truly had a soul to it. Nothing is mellowed or autotuned and it is much rawer, so it feels more like real music. 

Looking back, Jimmy Clash realised he had been producing since twelve and he does not think his career path could have gone any better. If he could give advice to his younger self, the producer would simply say “carry on” because everything is moving in the right direction.

Jimmy Clash’s career is only just starting, and he still surely has many albums and singles still to release. Whatever happens, he will definitely become a household name. So keep an eye on his feed or on NEXUS Radio to keep up to date with his work. And head over to the NEXUS Radio website if you want to listen to the whole interview.  

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