Adele Lashes Out At Chris Brown During the Grammys


Adele Lashes Out At Chris Brown During the Grammys

Chris Brown and Adele Grammys Celebuzz e1360622679582

If you are one of the 28 million people in the U.S. that watched the Grammy Awards last night you may have seen some tension between Adele and Chris Brown.  According to several news outlets it seems Chris Brown received quite the tongue lashing from the 9 time Grammy winner Adele.  Apparently during the award ceremony Chris Brown sat through a standing ovation for his rival Frank Ocean who won Best Urban Contemporary Album beating out Chris Brown.

Soon after Adele is caught on Camera yelling at Chris Brown, it is not exactly sure what she said to him but from the photo above it seems he was trying to apologize to her or at lease plead his case?  Either way I say way to go Adele, you have 9 Grammys under your belt and who better to school Chris Brown on anything than Adele!

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