Crazy Demands Made By EDM DJs


Crazy Demands Made By EDM DJs

When musicians tour, there are several conditions or demands made by them, even before stepping on stage. Super stars, be they of any genre are known to be most intriguing, many a time bordering on insane. But when it comes to the most outrageous and bizarre riders, nothing compares to DJs, at least if you go by the list provided by

But before you read on, understand, most of these guys are good-humoured and have a talent for sarcasm. Some put it in there to ensure promoters read their demands carefully — especially the technical aspects. But go through this list and you will feel that DJs are a universe of their own, at least when it comes to demands made, or so it would seem.

His demands for a December 30, 2012 show at Manhattan’s Pier 94 made it to The New York Post’s Page Six Column.
2 inflatable animals (Bonus points for endangered or extinct species)
4 blank Maxell cassettes (New packaging)
1 Gorilla (Silverback is preferred, an orangutan is also acceptable)
1 Malawian orphan
1 Arranged Marriage
1 original Nintendo in the box (with receipt from Kiddy City)
2 matches and lighter fluid
1 bonfire pit
2 logs to sit on
The third season of Lost (on VHS tapes)
1 parrot that is trained to say your name
1 dart board (with Nicolas Cage’s face on it)

On his F**k Me I’m Famous tour in 2012, his Roseland Ballroom rider leaked.
Big chandelier
Big heart (2 meters)
Cage for dancers
Foam for teddy bear
Foam Hands
Foam Stars
Foamcore prints
Giant Teddy bear
Glitter Machines
Ibiza girls
Kryoman show robots

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