Don Diablo Launches Own Cryptocurrency


Don Diablo Launches Own Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin has become the new buzzword lately, and DJs don’t want to be left behind! Don Diablo is the latest producer to have developed his own brand of cryptocurrency. His new monetary system is called HEXCOIN, and it’s powered by the blockchain token Gaze Coin.


HEXCOIN allows fans to access to Diablo’s world: his music, merchandise, and participate in a virtual community called HEXAGONIA, according to Billboard. ” As a creator of electronic music, I’ve always been engaged in technology and how it can connect my art to the outside world,” Diablo says in a press release. “With HEXCOIN and HEXAGONIA, I see a future where the line between fan, artist and technology blurs, and creativity is unleashed in powerful, measurable ways. I’m extremely excited to welcome Hexagonians and future fans to the next level of technology in music.”

HEXCOIN is very user friendly, according to reports. “HEXCOIN is being marketed as easy to use and aimed at a young market. Diablo fans must simply download the HEXCOIN wallet, dump some money into the HEXCOIN system, and they are off. Users are rewarded for time spent in HEXAGONIA, which makes it marketable to outside brands, as well.”

If you’re curious to know what exactly block chain has to do with virtual and augmented reality, VR Focus explains it thus: “HEXCOIN is built on Gaze Coin, a monetization platform that allows for VR and AR content to be monetized based upon what the user spends time looking at. By using eye-tracking technology to measure how long users spend looking at or interacting with objects in the virtual world, this information can be converted into a monetary value.”

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