Watch out Jodie Foster, Madonna and Shakira are almost geniuses. No, really. They are almost geniuses and they are members of Mensa.
Both Madonna and Shakira have an IQ of 140, respectively, which gives proof to the idiom that there is much more than meets the eye when it comes to music successes.
According to Notimex, anyone with an IQ over 139 is “almost genius,” which means in terms of IQ alone Shakira and Madonna are well on their way.
Mensa International, founded in 1946 and the oldest IQ society in the world, accepts members with scores at or above the 98th percentile on approved tests. And, although the organization has rigid membership requirements, Mensa says that at the core of their platform is the “objective of enjoying each other’s company and participating in a wide range of social and cultural organizations.”
So, like begets like and Madonna and Shakira deserve one another’s likenesses.
And for those of you, like me, who barely fall above an IQ of 70 do not despair.
According to Dr. Roger Highfield, a scientist who conducted a study that challenged the assumption that IQ is an accurate reflection of intelligence, described the outcomes of his research to The Telegraph in a 2012 interview.
He said that personal intelligence is like a fruit basket; people come in all shapes, sizes, and varieties. “We can all think of people that have poor reasoning and brilliant memories, or fantastic language skills but aren’t so hot at reasoning, and so on,” he told The Telegraph. “Now once and for all we can say there is not a single measure such as IQ which captures all of the intelligence you see in people.”
Similar to beauty, intelligence is in the eye of the beholder and and the beholder’s scope possesses more breadth than vision.