The Bold Celebration of Pride and Its Importance


The Bold Celebration of Pride and Its Importance

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Pride is essential for various reasons. Even if the world has changed dramatically over the last few years, it is likely more necessary than ever that we honor and celebrate it. It is a time for us to reflect on our progress toward LGBT equality and acknowledge that we stand on the shoulders of those who have worked tirelessly to make this happen. It also serves as a reminder that there is still a lot of work. Many people may wonder, “Why do we have to fight for it?” The list of answers could go on, but for now, let’s focus on the four reasons Pride is essential.

Pride remembers our history

It was unlawful for LGBT persons to congregate in bars in 1969, and it was also illegal for establishments to serve them. The Mafia-owned Stonewall Inn in New York’s Greenwich Village was one of the few venues where LGBT people could get a drink or hang out. Even there, life wasn’t easy: cops stormed the pub frequently, issuing fines and arresting patrons forcibly. On June 28th, 1969, Marsha Johnson, a black trans woman, retaliated by tossing a shot glass at police officers. This act of defiance, now known as the “shot glass heard around the world,” sparked days of rioting as LGBT people protested police violence and intolerance.

While the LGBT civil rights movement has come a long way since then, we’re still a long way from full equality and freedom-which is why we should never forget where and how Pride celebrations began.

Pride celebrates our triumphs

LGBT people have a lot to be thankful for as a community. In 2015, the LGBT community celebrated the election of the first bisexual governor — the first and only openly LGBT governor in history. Pride also normalizes families and individuals that break the heteronormative mold. For example, people have become more accepting of families with two mothers or fathers, and this is love that transcends prejudices!

With historic magazine covers, truthful TV depictions of same-sex intercourse, and transgender awareness, we’ve also conquered Hollywood. Pride is a celebration of all of these things and more.

Pride provides an opportunity to speak out against homophobic and transphobic policies

Being queer is frowned upon in many cultures. Because of whom they love, people are punished, tormented, and expelled from their societies. Being gay is outlawed in more than 70 countries, and trans individuals face prejudice and violence in other nations simply for being who they are. Even though marriage equality is gaining more approval, much work remains, and Pride catalyzes change in our fight for equality.

Pride empowers and comforts

Pride screams human rights; they enable LGBTI people to reclaim the rights and freedoms they have been denied and the public space from which they are frequently excluded. Visibility is critical, especially when the government and opposition groups go to great lengths to marginalize LGBTI people. Pride parades are not only uplifting celebrations of uniqueness but also a proclamation of intent, fighting shame and societal stigma and marching in the face of threats and violence.
Lastly, it brings our queer and straight, cis and trans communities together.
Pride events should act as a comfort zone for LGBTs, whether you want to meet people or learn how you can help your community. We may use Pride’s reputation to engage with allies and create relationships as it grows in popularity and support.
Pride, more than ever, is an opportunity for us to step up our efforts to address all of this. Not only is Pride still important, but it also needs our voices. Let’s fight, listen, and get back to doing what we do best: lifting each other up rather than dragging others down.

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