Winter Music Conference
The Winter Music Conference is a music festival that takes place each year in Miami Beach, Florida, during March. The entire festival lasts for one week and is completely dedicated to electronic music in all its forms. Thousands of fans attend the festival each year to show their love and dedication to electronic music. It has been happening every year since 1985, except last year when the Winter Music Festival was canceled due to Covid-19.

WMC 2019
Winter Music Festival has a long and rich history since it was founded by Louis Possenti and Bill Kelly in 1976. Since then, the festival has moved around Florida before finally landing at its current location in Miami Beach, the perfect spot for electronic music lovers to come and show off their love for music.
It is usually held alongside the Ultra Music Festival, another massive music festival for all music fans, and draws a large number of people from outside the US. The international attendance percentage is typically around 40% each year, one of the highest percentages among U.S. music festivals.
Over the next two decades, more events were continually added to the Winter Music Festival, and it continued to grow in size and opportunities. DJs, producers, and singers from all over the country kept coming to the festival, attracting more fans, which caused the festival to grow until it reached its peak of around 100,000 one year.

In 2011, that’s the first year that the Ultra Music Festival, which was once an event at the Winter Music Festival, was held separately from the Winter Music Festival. They were scheduled for separate weekends to avoid scheduling conflicts, but both happened in March, which presented challenges for event planners and schedulers.
The music festivals continued to occur until 2020, when the Winter Music Festival was postponed due to Covid-19. It is the first year in nearly four decades that the festival has not happened, and it is not entirely sure when the festival will be back into the groove of things.
For 2021, the Winter Music Festival is doing a virtual version of its festival, which, while not as good as going to it live, is still better than it being canceled for another year. It won’t happen in March, though, which is another difference between the 2021 Winter Music Festival and the festivals that came before it.
Check out our Interviews during WMC/Miami Music Week 2019
The simulated Winter Music Festival will also be much shorter than the live music festivals, a bit of a letdown for those who were looking forward to the week of electronic music. It will only run for two days, May 20-21, but there is a chance it will be back in full force come 2022 if Covid-19 starts to settle down as vaccines are released to the public.
The 2021 Winter Music Festival may be a short one, but it will still be full of events, and fans eagerly awaiting it won’t be disappointed by what is in store for this Winter Music Festival. It may be different than previous ones, but it’s better to have a little Winter Music Festival than none at all.