Watch Skrillex and Diplo’s Charlie Rose Interview


Watch Skrillex and Diplo’s Charlie Rose Interview

If you’ve been flipping through the channels the last couple of weeks and thought you saw a couple of familiar faces on PBS, no you were not hallucinating—that was Skrillex and Diplo on Charlie Rose.

The veteran interviewer sat down with the EDM masters for an interview that originally aired August 12.

Some of the questions may feel a bit tired. There’s a lot of “What’s up with this alleged electronic ‘music’ I keep hearing about?” type questions, but perhaps that’s because this is a fairly older-skewing show introducing a younger-skewing musical genre.

Other topics the Jack Ü pair tackle include their partnership, the rise and current state of EDM, subscription streaming, drugs, and (of course) Justin Bieber.

Watch the full interview here.

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