Deadmau5 Releases New Music


Deadmau5 Releases New Music

deadmau5 (1)Deadmau5, born Joel Zimmerman, has released two brand new, unfinished tracks as a casual reminder to the world that he’s still the man.

Not one to disappoint, this is what we love this man for. “Imaginary Friends” was released earlier last week following a broadcast on Twitch, a live streaming video platform affiliated with Amazon. “NVIDIA” was released this weekend and includes a vocal sample at the very end referencing “Imaginary Friends”. The initial drops are delicious and so very Deadmau5. Sexy and hard at the same damn time, these tracks, like many of his others, don’t need a lot. The beat for both songs is clean and gets to you, because there isn’t a lot of bullsh*t or FX to detract from it. Never too complex, and never too pretentious, these tracks demonstrate a talent our current EDM pool is lacking.

You can talk as much crap as the mau5, himself, does. There’s rarely a day the producer isn’t sharing his dissatisfaction with the current elecronic music scene, and everything it’s spawned. He was just on the blogosphere for Twitter-beefing with former padawan, Skrillex, this past Halloween. He’s also accused of growing stale since he isn’t releasing things at the same volume as most of his competition. But there is no denying that Zimmerman has stayed on the map for nearly 20 years, and that is for one good reason. He’s good at what he does. Scratch that, he’s damn good at what he does. His bare bones talent is undeniable. His songwriting ability and penchant for putting together what just sounds good is unparalleled.

Yes, he doesn’t release new music at the same speed of his competition, but it doesn’t mean he’s washed-up. He’s getting to that ‘original g’ 15+ years period of his career, where he can branch off, he can have other enterprises, and we can let him, because he’s proven himself time and time again. When you check these songs out keep in mind that these pieces are unfinished. Even so, his work continues to remind the haters why they still hang on his every move.

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