Foxes to Appear in BBC’s Doctor Who


Foxes to Appear in BBC’s Doctor Who


Grammy-winning popstar Foxes is set to guest star on the popular sci-fi adventure show Doctor Who.  The BBC production is no stranger to casting musicians in acting roles; Billie Piper was a pop sensation in Great Britain before she played the beloved character Rose in the show’s revamp in 2005 and Arthur Darvill (who plays the character Rory) has been in Broadway musicals.  There is also a long list of musical guest stars, including McFly, Kylie Minogue, and Katherine Jenkins.

Though we don’t know yet what Foxes’ role on the show we’ll be, the BBC let slip that she will be performing a song.  Head writer Steven Moffat told BBC reporters that “we are completely thrilled that the amazingly talented Foxes is joining us on board… well, you’ll see.  Let’s just say, the Doctor is finally catching up on his phone calls.”

Foxes seems to be equally thrilled, as she is a fan of the show herself.  She told reporters that “it all came about from a chance meeting.”  It turns out that the show’s production team went to one of her performances, and when she told them how much she loved the show, they invited her on for an episode.

Doctor Who comes back in August, so keep your eyes and ears open for Foxes’ acting debut.

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