

Courtesy of Newsweek

History was made on Friday June 26th 2015 when the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality, making gay marriage official all across the United States of America. Facebook and Twitter exploded with rainbow pictures, comments and likes, and In light of the recent Supreme Court ruling we are finally starting to see signs of solidarity from the mainstream EDM world.

Companies like Ultra Music Festival, Life in Color and Ultra Music (separate company than UMF) joined other major corporations and decorated their social media pages in rainbow themes and colors. Friday was a good day for the GLBT movement and it set the tone for a weekend of festivities including New York City Pride, San Francisco Pride, Chicago’s Pride Parade and other pride events across the country.

Despite recent GLBT successes, things were not looking so good for the GLBT community and other minorities in the EDM scene in recent years. Just about a year ago the EDM scene was (in the eyes of many) starting to become anti-PLUR. PLUR is a raver-flower-child acronym for peace, love, unity, and respect.

Leaving many to wonder where are all the female Djs?, Where are all the African American Djs? Ultra music singer-song writer Kerli deplored the treatment of women in EDM in an exclusive Nexus interview, and Lithuanian producer Marijus Adomaitis or Ten Walls went on an anti-GLBT rant on Facebook earlier this year. So now that the GLBT community has the nation’s attention, people are asking ‘where are all the “out” mainstream Djs?’

According to EDM.com, DJ producer and GLBT ally Tommie Sunshine was quoted “Nobody owes anybody anything. That’s very important to remember about all of this,” implying that no one should come “out” simply due to pressure for the cause.

To a large extent Tommie is correct; the GLBT movement isn’t about martyring someone’s career, being gay is not a choice, but coming out is. However, even Tommie Sunshine could have taken his statement a bit further — Nobody owes anybody anything, but if you cross the line there are consequences. There is no such thing as free speech without consequences; as we have seen with “Ten Walls”, who was dropped by several music festivals including Creamfields and Pitch & Sonar for his anti-GLBT comments.

Basically it comes down to this: Up until a year ago, many companies that drive EDM festivals weren’t really vocalizing their support for the GLBT movement. For some, yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling was a no-brainer, for others it was the tipping point, but regardless of when they got here, the important thing is that they got here, and that’s a step forward for EDM.

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Nexus Radio will be on the ground at NYC Pride’s Rally and Dance on the Pier, and The civic center for San Francisco pride over the weekend. Stop by our booths for free key chains, shot glasses and more! find us:


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